Our local businesses have been hit hard by the economic effects of the lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Now, more than ever, we believe it is important to support local, independent businesses. To that end, we have compiled a comprehensive list of federal, state, and local resources in place to support businesses and employees impacted by closures or restrictions.
This page will be updated frequently to reflect government and partner organizations’ applicable programs. UPDATE April 17.
We’re Here to Help
NAI Beverly-Hanks agents are prepared to cope with this new reality for the time being. It is our fervent intent to continue providing excellent service in the face of these unusual circumstances. We remain available to help business and property owners find opportunity and understand options as the effects of COVID-19 continue to unfold.
Reach out to an NAI Beverly-Hanks commercial real estate agent today.
CDC Resources for Businesses & Employers
Plan, prepare, and respond to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Prepare your Small Business and Employees for the Effects of COVID-19
The U.S. government is helping small businesses bridge this economic emergency by giving them the funds they need to keep their employees on their payroll and stay in business. The CARES Act helps business owners in part through these programs:
- Paycheck Protection Program – Provides $350 billion in forgivable loans on favorable terms for small businesses impacted by the current state of economic uncertainty. | Payment Protection Plan Application
- SBA disaster loans – Provides advances that never have to be repaid.
- Forgiving existing non-disaster SBA loan payments over the next six months.
U.S. Dept. of Treasury | Assistance to Small Businesses – Thorough and useful explanations of accessing the CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce | Coronavirus Emergency Loans: Small Business Guide and Checklist – A very helpful guide for how to prepare for applying for CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program loans.
U.S. Small Business Administration | SBA Disaster Assistance – A disaster declaration for small businesses that are suffering economic losses due to COVID-19. Affected businesses may apply for low interest SBA disaster loans.
U.S. Small Business Administration | Disaster Loan Applications – SBA loans are available to small businesses via online request or SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or (800) 877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, or by emailing [email protected].
TerraNova Strategies | Accelerating the SBA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Loan Process – The Small Business Recovery Operation is helping self-employed folks, small business owners, and freelancers in WNC apply for funding sources, specifically the PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) and EIDL (Economic Injury Disaster Loan). The founder is based in Asheville.
Office of Senator Durbin (D-IL) | Small Business Owner’s Guide to CARES Act – A summary of employment scenarios and program summaries for small business owners.
Additional Federal Loans & National Resources
U.S. Dept. of Treasury | FAQ on Employee Retention Credit
Internal Revenue Service | FAQs on COVID-19-Related Tax Credits for Required Paid Leave Provided by Small and Midsize Businesses
Facebook Small Business Grants Program
State of North Carolina
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response in North Carolina
NCDHHS | COVID-19 Recommendations for Businesses and Employers
- Guidance for Businesses
- Guidance for Restaurants
- All Guidance for Health Care Providers and Local Health Departments
- Click above for guidance in other fields of industry.
NCDHHS | Executive Order No. 131 – Sets policies for retail stores, enforces mandatory rules at nursing homes, and expedites issuing unemployment benefits. | FAQ
NCEM Business Emergency Operations Center (BEOC) – Manages the state’s process of certifying businesses that are deemed essential.
NC Rapid Recovery | North Carolina Small Business Bridge Loans – The North Carolina COVID-19 Rapid Recovery Lending program helps small businesses and family farms bridge the gap between when crisis strikes and when federal loans, insurance payouts, and other relief funds are approved, or businesses have time to recover.
North Carolina Small Business and Technology Development Center (NC SBTDC)
Natural Capital Investment Fund | Truist – NCIFund Grant Program – Providing grants of $5,000 to $25,000 to small businesses in North Carolina and neighboring states.
NC Dept. of Information Technology (DIT) | Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Working & Learning During COVID-19
North Carolina Division of Employment Security (DES) | North Carolina Unemployment – Important unemployment changes that will offer some help to workers who have lost jobs or hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic:
- No one week waiting period for workers;
- No requirement that a laid-off worker look for a new job;
- Applications can be made for compensation online or by phone; and
- Employers will not be held responsible for compensation paid as a result of COVID-19 layoffs.
Gov. Cooper has secured a federal disaster declaration. This will allow North Carolinians who don’t qualify for unemployment to apply for federal disaster unemployment assistance. Read more from United Way ABC.
NC Works Career Center – Offers help for job seekers and those applying for unemployment benefits. Career counselors and staff are working normal hours and services are being provided by phone at (828) 251-6200 from 8:30AM–5:00PM.
Land of Sky Regional Council | Open Job Opportunities – A list of WNC companies that are now hiring.
Local and Regional
Buncombe County Coronavirus/COVID-19 News & Information
Buncombe County | Planning for a Coronavirus Pandemic
Asheville Grown Business Alliance – Supporting local businesses and workers with resources, key information, creative initiatives, and contacts.
Asheville Chamber Resource Guide – News updates and emerging resources.
- Local businesses offering resources such as staffing, technical support, etc.
Asheville Strong – Creatively support local business by buying a gift card from a local business or donating to arts/nonprofits.
Love Hendo – Show your favorite establishment your #LoveHendo spirit with gift card purchases and patronizing businesses offering curbside pickup and delivery services.
Mountain BizWorks – Mountain BizWorks and its partners are taking steps to ensure business owners and entrepreneurs have the resources they need to get through the coronavirus crisis.
One Buncombe – Donations of any amount show we are a community that cares. Support grants to impacted individuals and small business loans.
Ready Team Call Center – An extension of the Emergency Operations Center focused on business and general questions about COVID-19 and the Stay Safe, Stay Home Order. Options for Spanish, Russian, and multiple other languages. | Monday–Friday, 8:00AM–5:30PM | (828) 419-0095 | [email protected].
United Way ABC | COVID-19: Community Resources For Buncombe County
United Way 211 – Text COVIDNC to 898-211 to sign up for announcements and updates. Dial 2-1-1 or 1 (888) 892-1162 to get connected to resources. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
MANNA FoodBank – Working with county and state government agencies and many other organizations to address the impact on WNC. Website is updated with important and relevant information. | Apply for public assistance programs such as WIC or SNAP.
Hopeline NC Suicide Hotline – Call or text (919) 231-4525 | (877) 235-4525
North Carolina Teletherapy Providers
Pisgah Legal – Apply for services online or call (828) 253-0406 or toll free 1 (800) 489-6144.
NC Dept. of Information Technology (DIT) | Internet Service Offerings – In response to COVID-19, many North Carolina residents are being asked to work and learn remotely. NC DIT has compiled a list of new and existing free or affordable service offerings.
Federal, State, and County Taxes
The traditional tax deadline of April 15 has been postponed until July 15, 2020. Due to COVID-19, in person, free tax assistance is not available during this time. However, taxes can still be filed for free through myfreetaxes.com for eligible households.
Internal Revenue Service | Tax Details and Updates
NC Department of Revenue (DOR | Tax Details and Updates
Buncombe County | Tax Assessment and Collection Updates
We’re Here to Help
NAI Beverly-Hanks agents are prepared to cope with this new reality for the time being. It is our fervent intent to continue providing excellent service in the face of these unusual circumstances. We remain available to help business and property owners find opportunity and understand options as the effects of COVID-19 continue to unfold.
Reach out to an NAI Beverly-Hanks commercial real estate agent today.